Returning Home

As green fields stream past dotted with stone structures, sheep, and the occasional grazing, brilliantly white horse, I feel the strangest sense about returning to this land, stronger than I’ve ever felt here before. Home. The word seems to ring in my brain. I have actually missed this place, with its little quirks and characteristic […]


Last year before moving to Ireland I bought a shirt with the word “pivot” on it. It had a picture of my favorite TV sitcom, Friends, from an iconic scene when they were attempting to move a couch up the narrow stairs of their apartment complex. One of the characters, Ross, yelled, “Pivot!” multiple times […]

Post #1

This year living abroad has been… quite something. Even though I’ve desired to share it with you, I’ve had difficulty bringing myself to write anything about it. Between my incredibly busy master’s program, applying for jobs, shopping at least twice a week without a car, planning trips around Europe, building up my running mileage again […]